

1. The air was cool and soft; there were no sounds save the low monotonous jangle of the locusts; I thought they were about to begin to sing, and held my breath, to listen. (这句话中有很多形容词来描绘天气以及环境,这些形容词可以借鉴,让我们的句子更加充实生动)

2. Tom run up the shore through the dark. ~一直冲到漆黑的岸边(这句话用了一个非常实用并且精简的句法,让人一眼就能理解)

3. I have a secret to tell you, and so I've brought you out here where nobody can listen. (这句话的用词非常生动,feeling一词的使用非常精准,直接抓住了人的情感)

4. Now I know you're lying, because the goose hangs high. (这句话虽然用的是一个俚语,但是其隐喻却能让人一下子了解其中的含义以及情感)

5. He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it—namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain. (这句话通过一个简单的语句阐述了一个深刻的道理,用词得当,高效传达)

